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Join us this Thursday and Friday for a hybrid workshop on social ontology. This event takes place simultaneously at Stockholm, Sweden and Caldas, Colombia, and on Zoom. If you wish to join us, just drop me an email.

The workshop consists of eleven talks including a keynote address by Charlotte Witt, author of Social Goodness: The Ontology of Social Norms (OUP2023).

I am grateful to the organizers of the Social Ontology 2024 conference at Duke University for the special book symposium on my book Nonideal Social Ontology this summer. I am looking forward to discussing with the commentators, Ásta and Kirk Ludwig, and the fellow social ontologists at this conference!

Laura Valentini poses and offers a novel answer to this general question in her new book Morality and Socially Constructed Norms (OUP 2024). This is a must-read for social ontologists and other philosophers. I have written a response that will be published in Analyse & Kritik (2024: 46:1).

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